Essentials of Ayurveda

Ayurveda which means ‘The Science of Life’ in Sanskrit is world’s oldest form of healing science that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. Popularly known as ‘Mother of all healing’, works by striking perfect balance between mind, body and spirit. Philosophy of Ayurveda says that, entire universe is an interplay of five elements- Water, fire, earth, air and space. The three body health states kapha, pitta and vata are combinations of these five elements. Several other branches of healing have emerged keeping Ayurveda as their base.

Progressive journey towards Authentic Ayurveda

Vedanya has always believed and practised authenticity at its core. Thus each product is well-researched and manufactured with utmost care and highest level of quality. Down the years Vedanya has a dream to established itself as one of the most trusted brands in Ayurvedic products. We have been recognized for our top-quality products and best of services during our 1st phase of introduction. Constant strive to attain the deepest knowledge of our vedas and puranas about Ayurveda makes our journey towards perfection an on-going process with new research and developments.

Because we Care…

Vedanya knows and understands the modern day life of stress and over-business has lead people ignore their overall mental, physical and spiritual health. Everything is based on quick results that sadly does not last. We strive to make people understand the importance to strike a balance between healthy mind and body required to lead a healthy and disease-free life. Medicines are just a part of Vedanya’s never ending journey towards a holistic, happy and healthy living through Authentic Ayurveda.

History of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has its roots flourished from 3300-1300 BCE, the period of Bronze Age civilization in the Indus valley which is now located in present day Pakistan. It is the only medicinal science that has its narration in our Vedas that were composed during 500 and 1000 BCE.

Celebration of Life with Vedanya

Ayurveda is based on the five elements of nature i.e. Air, water, fire, sky and earth that are believed to exist in every living being. Not only medicines, Ayurveda celebrates foods and spices that have positive effect on our body and mind.

Magic Through Herbs

About 90% of the Ayurvedic medicines are herbs, metal and mineral based. Ayurvedic medicines’ right combination can do miracles as in puranas, Vedanya follows same parameters that can show miracles in present lives.