
Checks Sugar Level

Anti-diabetic & antioxidant Amalki with proven hypolipidemic activity of Mamejaav


  • Non Insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM)
  • As an adjuvant in insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM)


  • Effectively checks elevated glucose levels in blood and urine
  • Helps to increase insulin secretion
  • Improves utilization of free insulin
  • Reduces the risk of macro and micro vascular complications
  • Safe for long term
  • Higher concentration of mamejak

Each 500mg. TABLET Contains

Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Vijayshar 100 mg Pterocarpus marsupium
Mamejak 100 mg Enicostema litarole
Amlaki 75 mg Emblica officinalis
Daruharidra 50 mg Berberis aristate
Guduchi 50 mg Tinospora cordifolia
Godmor 100 mg Gymnema sylvestre
Yasada bhasma 25 mg


  • Tablet: 1-2 tablets twice a day after meals or as advised by a physician.