
Checks cell growth

Hirak Bhas and Suvarna bhasma have anti cancer properties and strengthen our immune system.


  • Primary carcinoma
  • Auto immune disorders
  • Chronic / Troprical ulcers
  • As an adjuvant in
  • Metastasis condition
  • Checks cell growth
  • Degenerative disorders
  • Immunocompromising condition


  • Reduces the abnormal tissue growth.
  • Checks neoplasm abnormal growth
  • Helps to treat chronic and tropical ulcers.
  • Promotes immunity restores energy.
  • Maintain positive balance in body

Each 500mg. CAPSULE Contains

Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Hirak bhasma 4 mg —–
Abharak bhasma (shatputi) 3 mg —–
Suvarna bhasma 1 mg —–
Amalki extract 70 mg Emblica officinalis
Ras sindoor 20 mg —–
Punarnava ghan powder 10 mg Boerhavia diffusa
Rohitak ghan powder 50 mg Tecomella undulata
Ardusi ghan powder 50 mg Adhatoda zeylanica
Piper extract 40 mg Piper longum
Sarsav extract 40 mg Brassica campenstris
Lavang extract 30 mg Syzygium
Varum ghan powder 30 mg Crataeva nurvala
Haridra  extract 72 mg Curcuma longa
Giloy powder 20 mg Tinospora cordifolia
Gokhru powder 50 mg Tribulus terrestris
Moti pishti 10 mg —–


  • Capsule: 1 capsule twice a day or as advised by a physician.