
Restricts Stone Formation

Pashanbhed has proven litholytic activity because of the presence of henolic compounds.


  • Urolithiasis
  • As a prophylaxis for recurrent urolithiasis
  • Urinary tract infections.


  • Acting micro pulverization on calculus
  • Removes calculus with strong diuretic action
  • Controls renal colic.
  • Maintains the urinary pH and also relieves burning micturition
  • Checks recurrence of stone formation

Each 500mg. TABLET Contains

Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Pashanbhed extract 100 mg Hemidesmus indicus
Varun extract 100 mg Barberis asiatica
Gokshur extract 100 mg Acacia catechu
Kullath extract 50 mg Rubia cordifolia
Haritaki extract 50 mg Azadirachta indica
Hajrul Yahood bhasma 100 mg —–

Each 10ml. of SYRUP Contains

Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Pashanbhed extract 500 mg Bergenia ligulata
Varun extract 500 mg Crataeva Nurvala
Gokshur extract 500 mg Tribulus terrestris
Punarnava extract 500 mg Boerhaavia diffusa
Kullath extract 300 mg Dolichos biflorus
Musta extract 200 mg Cyperus rotundus
Haritaki extract 200 mg Terminalia chebula
Shatavari extract 150 mg Asaparagus recemosus
Swet parpati 50 mg —–
Hajrul Yahood bhasma 50 mg —–
Yavshar 50 mg —–


  • Syrup: 5-10 ml twice a day or advised by a physician.
  • Tablets: 1-2 tablets twice a day or as advised by a physician.