
Checks Sugar Level

Anti-diabetic & antioxidant amla withproven hypolipidemic activity of mamejavo.


  • Non Insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM).
  • As an adjuvant in insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM)


  • Effectively checks elevated glucose levels in blood and urine
  • Helps to increase insulin secretion
  • Improves utilization of free insulin
  • Reduces the risk of macro and micro vascular complications
  • Safe for long term
  • Higher concentration of saptarangi and mamejava
  • Potentiated effect of shilajit

100gm. of Powder Contains Extract of

Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Ingredients Qty. Botanical Name
Vijaysar 10 % Pterocarpus marsupium
Amla 10 % Emblica officinalis
Daruharidra 10 % Berberis asiatica
Guduchi 10 % Tinospora cordifolia
Jamun 10 % Eugenia jembolana
Karela 5 % Momordica charantia
Gurmar Butti 5 % Gymnema sylvestre
Methi extract 5 % Trigonella foenum graecum
Neem 5 % Azadirachta indica
Bila 5 % Aeglemarmalos corr
Indrajav 5 % Holarrhena antidycenterica
Mamejavo 5 % Enicostemma Littorale
Tejpatra 5 % Cinnamomum tamala
Suddha shilajit 5 % Asphaltum punjabinum
Yashad bhasma 5 % —–


  • 1-2 teaspoonful with warm water in the morning or as directed by a physician.